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Jul 18, 20134 min read
Gatestone Institute: And the Winner is... Iran's Nuclear Program
The Iranians are the best strategists in the Middle East, better than those in the West, and the reason the Iranians constantly succeed...
Jun 7, 20137 min read
MIDA: The Iranian Apocalypse: Interview with Dr. Harold Rhode
אין חולק על-כך שהמזרח-התיכון הוא אחד האיזורים הדינמיים ביותר בעולם. אם עד לפני כמה חודשים העסיקה סוגיית הגרעין האיראני את דעת הקהל...
May 30, 20137 min read
Gatestone Institute: The Islamic Mindset in the Middle East
Many secular Muslims seem to hate the U.S., Israel, and even Christians living among them, just as passionately as their religious...
Apr 11, 20136 min read
Gatestone Institute: Would You Name Your Kid "Sword"?
Would we name our children Warrior, Conqueror, Sword, or Holy War? These are the meanings of personal names commonly used in the Muslim...
Mar 21, 20133 min read
Gatestone Institute: Report from China: What Keeps the Muslim World Back?
The Chinese, at behind-the-scenes conferences and discussions during the past few months, kept saying they were perplexed about the...
Nov 23, 20124 min read
Gatestone Institute: Hamas's Victory: How Muslims See It
Do Americans understand the Muslim view of war? Throughout the Muslim world, there were celebrations with people singing and dancing and...
Jul 30, 20124 min read
Gatestone Institute: What the Iranian People "Really Think" and How to Help Them
In totalitarian societies, people are wary of telling others what they "really think." Given the Iranian government's ability to suppress...
Jun 15, 201214 min read
Gatestone Institute: Can Muslims Reopen the Gates of Ijtihad?
The exercise of critical thinking and independent judgment – or Ijtihad --was an important way to address questions in the early...
Apr 16, 20122 min read
Gatestone Institute: How to Help Iraq
The Obama Administration has decided to sell Iraq 36 advanced F-16 Block 52 fighters. On the surface this might seem a good idea, it...
Feb 27, 20121 min read
Gatestone Institute: Is the Iranian Regime Rational?
Recently, the American Chairman of the Joint Chief Chiefs of Staff, General Dempsey, said that the Iranian Regime is rational. It is...
Dec 15, 201120 min read
Gatestone Institute: How Iran's Rulers Think about the Nuclear Program
As the Ayatollah Khomeini, founder of the Islamic revolution in Iran, said: The Muslim world is engaged in a war with the non-Muslim...
Mar 4, 20115 min read
PJ Media: Regime Change in Iran: A Win for the Gulf and the West
Shiites have historically been, to use the words of Fouad Ajami, the stepchildren of the Arab world. They constitute only about 12-15%...
Dec 16, 201011 min read
Jerusalem Center: Will Turkey or Iran Win the Hearts and Minds of the Arab Street?
The Sunni-Shiite Divide Iranian Shiites and Turkish Sunnis are engaged today in a huge battle to capture the hearts and minds of the Arab...
Oct 20, 20104 min read
Gatestone Institute: Is Jerusalem Sacred for Muslims?
Israel and the Palestinians are once again negotiating their future relationship. One of the most difficult issues they confront is the...
Jun 9, 201031 min read
Jerusalem Center: The Sources of Iranian Negotiating Behavior
Executive Summary This analysis identifies patterns exhibited by the Iranian government and the Iranian people since ancient times. Most...
Mar 17, 20103 min read
Gatestone Institute: How Our Muslim Allies Understand the "Crisis" Between the US and Israel
Given the so-called crisis between the US Administration and Israel, it is important to keep in mind the context of how our Muslim...
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